Every year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new. What better way to make a fresh start than with a fresh new tattoo on your birthday that expresses your personality? We have a host of tattoo ideas for you to choose from for some much-needed Inkspiration!

Queen of the Jungle

Memorializing your Birth Giver

These are just some of the tattoos that you can get for yourself. It can be anything ranging from your birthdate to your sun sign or even your spirit animal! Have an idea in your mind that is completely different from the ones above? You can always get in touch with us to discuss a customized tattoo design of your choice!
Religious Tattoos
Spiritual Tattoos
Animal Tattoos

Motivational Tattoo

At Aliens, we make over 300 tattoos in a month, one of those could be a tattoo on your birthday. Many of these are tattoos done to commemorate a special occasion, like a birthday or an anniversary. A tattoo on your birthday signifies a fresh new start or marks the day when it all began. Everything that we are now, would never have been this way if it weren't for the day we came into this world.
Similarly, a tattoo done on your birthday can mean anything and everything you want it to be. Come over to celebrate this once-a-year-moment in your own unique way. That’s not all. Get a flat 25% discount on your tattoo throughout your birthday month!
Want to get a tattoo on your Birthday? Let's Discuss your Tattoo ideas! Simply click on the link below!