6 Heart Filling Memorial Ideas for your Cherished Pet, Your Pal
Author | Krutika Bhanushali | Aliens Tattoo
Losing a pet is as grieving as losing a dear one from our family. It’s painful to believe that they’re gone for real and accepting this fact and moving on with life can be really hard for most of us. In our most difficult times, we either choose to forget about our loss completely or cherish their memory with us lifelong.
This blog is for all those who choose to keep their pet in their sight always. You can keep the memories of your beloved pet alive around you for life with these simple ideas below.
1. Preserving Paw Prints

Paws are the cutest thing about pets. Be it a cat or a dog, be it a small tiny breed or a huge, when you look at their paws you just can't help but smile. While you are thinking of different ways to memorialize your pet, preserving their paw prints or paw stamps is a great way. However, this is can be your idea only if you are aware that you will be losing your pet soon for some reason and know in advance that you'd like to take their paw prints.
There are many ways to do this. From just dipping your pet's paws into the paint and making prints on paper to actually creating a mould with clay or salt dough. You can use these prints or stamps later by framing them, creating charms with them, table pieces and so on.
There is nothing as beautiful and committing as a tattoo. Getting a tattoo in memory of your pet will give you a feeling of carrying them with you wherever you go for a lifetime. Pet tattoos are very much personalized and can speak a story on their own. This tattoo can be your pet's portrait, their silhouette, a paw tattoo, symbols that signify their role in your life or their names.
Here are some of the most creative and unique tattoo ideas for memorializing your pet in an amazing way. Check out best pet tattoo ideas at https://www.alienstattoo.com/pet-tattoo-ideas
3. Plant A Tree

Planting a tree in memory of your beloved pet can be really peace-giving. This way, you will be returning them back to life and can see that life growing again. Feeling that energy will always make you happy. Trees sustain for generations, so you and your family can visit it lifelong. You can call it one of the everlasting ways like permanent tattoos.
Planting a tree will not help you in your healing process but also prove to be a positive effort towards the environment. You can do this backyard, your nearest garden or any space where you can go and visit it often.
4. Painting On Your Wall

We all preserve memories of our pets where we can see them daily. Some of us set our phone and desktop wallpapers with their pictures, frame their pictures on walls, keep their photograph in our wallet and so on. Likewise, here is a beautiful idea to memorialize where you can not only see it often but also feel the energy around.
Painting your pet's portrait on one of the walls in your room can have a great impact on your healing from the grief as you will be seeing it in your most comfortable times.
5. Adopt A Dog In Memory Of Yours

When you lose a pet, the grief has such an impact on you that you wish to never have a pet again. You probably think that you won't be able to give the same love again or you fear forgetting your pet and the memories you have if you get another animal home. Well, that's just one way to see it. If you think about it from another perspective, having a pet again can help you come out of your grief faster and make you finally believe that "life goes on".
While you think of choosing to have another pet around, adopting is always a better option than actually buying. Adoption makes an abandoned animal's life better. Adopt an animal from an adoption centre, a rescue home or from the stray. They'll all love you the same.
6. Creative Collage Frame

Pet is the most beautiful thing that happens to you. We're fortunate enough to see them for their entire life as their lifespan is really short. Capturing our pet's expressions and silly acts is something we never miss. Collecting these memories and making a huge collage of all the pictures you took since they were a puppy, all the cutest and silliest acts captured can be a great memoir for your wall. This frame will make you smile every time you look at it.

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